Never allow the frolicsomeness, the turmoil, the horror, the despair, the doubt, the independent reflectiveness, and the infinite felicity about creative ideas and deeds of your fellow companions to be purloined from you!
The creative extravagance put on a book, on a Gesamtkunstwerk in the cinema and on stage, on radio features, on painting and sculpture, on music etc. shall be again acknowledged and worshipped as a gift of a few prodigies to all of mankind.
Without the cultural productions of the last 3,000 years we would not be what we are today. Be proud of this heritage and care for it!
Read Goethe and the Manns, read Shakespeare and Bellow, read Molière and Green, read Cervantes and Borges, read Dante and Svevo, read the masters of your individual native language – dig for culture to our present time! Visit museums, theatres and the cinema: Educate yourself!
Don't twitter away life, don't lose your face among millions of faces at the Zuckerberg; at least for a few hours a day or a week do forget the sweet nothing of the WorldWideWeb and dedicate yourself – actively! – to books, films, stage plays, the magnificent works of art in our museums and to your own thoughts about the creative brainwaves of your fellow-wo-men. Finally, become creative yourself! Become fundamentally educated; learn from the expertise of our artists and fellow-wo-men – in order to arm yourself against the cases of emergency in life!
Never let brokers, chain store owners and trust managers get hold of your individual thinking and your own critical mind! Become an active thinker! Become an activist of education! Introduce this message to others!
Put education in your tank! (It's closed season for tigers!)
Nobody can ever take this away from you, never!
Appeal for intellectual appeal, AIA, 13 May 2013
Pneuma Werke für die Bildung des Volkes
Montag, 22. August 2016
Comrades of all nations, Freunde, femmes et hommes de la rue, companeros, amici -
Letzte Einträge
Farbig oder monochrom? Der Roman "Blaupause" von Theresia Enzensberger
England im Mai 2017
Cote d'Azur im November 2015
Von der Uneigentlichkeit des Seins, sozusagen
Satans Spielfeld, Roman von Ute Cohen, 2017
Annelies Strba, "Hiroshima mon amour", 1994
Comrades of all nations, Freunde, femmes et hommes de la rue, companeros, amici -
Freunde, comrades of all nations, femmes et hommes de la rue, companeros, amici -
Balanceakte und artistische Infanten. Equilibristen auf der Schaukel ratlos